
Free CRO Audit Template 

Justin Doyle

VP of Web at Arvo | I help websites convert better through CRO and UX design

Download Our Free CRO Audit Template! 

What Is CRO? 

Think of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) like a tune-up for your website. It’s all about getting more of your visitors to do what you want them to do, like buying your product, signing up for newsletters, or just clicking that ‘Learn More’ button. The cool part? It’s not guesswork. You dive into what’s happening on your site – who’s visiting, what they’re clicking on, and where they hit the brakes. Then, you test out little changes to see what makes a bigger impact. Maybe it’s tweaking a headline, changing a button color, or reworking a signup form. It’s like being a detective and a scientist rolled into one, all to make your website a conversion machine.

The Process: 

Conducting a comprehensive Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) audit involves several critical steps to effectively analyze and improve your website’s conversion rate. Here’s a summary of key elements to include in your CRO audit:

  • Collect Previous Conversion Data: Gather and analyze historical conversion data from past marketing campaigns and website analytics to understand past performance.
  • Analyze the Customer Journey: Map out the customer journey, identify stages and touchpoints, and look for areas of friction or drop-offs.
  • Perform Website Analytics Review: Examine website metrics like traffic sources, bounce rate, time on page, and conversion funnels.
  • Conduct Customer and User Experience Survey: Design surveys to assess customer satisfaction and user experience, focusing on understanding motivations and blockers to conversion.
  • Analyze Competitors’ CRO Strategies: Understand the tactics and techniques used by competitors to optimize conversions and identify areas for improvement.
  • Identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Establish specific metrics to measure and track progress towards CRO goals.
  • Evaluate Current CRO Strategies’ Effectiveness: Analyze the impact of existing tactics on conversion rates and business performance.
  • Determine Areas of Opportunity: Pinpoint specific areas in the conversion process that show room for improvement.
  • Create a Hypothesis for Improvements: Formulate educated guesses about potential optimizations based on insights and identified opportunities.
  • Design A/B Testing Procedures: Plan for conducting A/B tests, including test variations, duration, sample size, and success criteria.
  • Implement A/B Testing: Execute the A/B tests, ensuring accurate implementation and control.
  • Analyze Data from A/B Testing: Interpret the results to evaluate the impact of variations on the conversion rate.
  • Develop CRO Plan Based on Findings: Create a comprehensive plan for optimizing the conversion rate based on the insights from previous steps.

Things To Consider: 

When you perform a CRO test, there are a lot of important things to consider. For example, what is the statistical significance of your results? Basically, did you have enough traffic/visitors to make your test conclusive? When analyzing results, consider the statistical significance to ensure that the observed changes are not due to random chance but are actually a result of the modifications made.  You should also consider things like audience consistency. Organic traffic that comes to your website from search engines might react very differently from the traffic you get from a paid Facebook ads campaign. Generally, you want to isolate just one variable at a time, and keep everything else as similar as possible, so that you can determine what actually impacted your results. 

*Make a copy in your own Google Drive to edit/share

Consistent application of CRO strategies is like putting your website through a rigorous fitness regime. Over time, it doesn’t just get a bit better; it becomes a powerhouse, efficiently converting visitors into customers. Just like a well-oiled machine, a website fine-tuned through regular CRO becomes more effective in meeting user needs and achieving business goals. The real magic lies in the continuous cycle of testing, learning, and optimizing, ensuring your site stays aligned with evolving customer behaviors and market trends.

Want to see how this can work for you? If you’re intrigued by the potential of CRO and how it can transform your website into a conversion powerhouse, let’s chat about your specific needs. Contact us today, and let’s start optimizing for success!

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