
Product landing pages are your golden ticket to connecting with your audience. They’re where you can really capture their attention, turn them into customers, and keep them coming back for more. But making a pretty landing page isn’t the whole story. It also needs to rank well in search results, build trust, encourage interaction, and, of course, get those sales rolling in. Sounds like a lot for one page, but it’s absolutely doable!

Let’s check out some great product landing page examples that nail it with best practices and smart techniques.

We’ll also talk about ways to make your own landing page as effective as possible.

Ready? Let’s get started!

So, What Should A Product Landing Page Include? 

We work with hundreds of websites across all kinds of industries, focusing on SEO, email marketing, conversion rate optimization (CRO), social media, and paid media advertising. Thanks to our experience with e-commerce and other product-based websites, we’ve learned a thing or two about what makes a landing page really effective. Here are some of the key elements we suggest you include!

Page Content & Structure

Clear and Compelling Headline: Start with a headline that grabs attention and immediately tells visitors why your product is awesome. It should highlight the key value proposition in a way that’s catchy and easy to understand.

Engaging Visuals: Use high-quality images or videos to show off your product. A big, bold hero image is great for setting the tone. If you can, show the product in action to help visitors visualize its benefits.

Concise and Persuasive Copy: Keep the text short and to the point. Focus on the benefits of your product and speak directly to your audience’s needs and desires. Bullet points are your friend—nobody wants to read a wall of text.

Strong Call-to-Action (CTA): Make sure you have a clear and noticeable CTA button, like “Buy Now” or “Add to Cart.” Place CTAs in strategic spots on the page, especially above the fold, so visitors see them right away.

Social Proof: Build trust by adding customer testimonials, reviews, or logos from big-name clients. This kind of social proof can make a huge difference in convincing visitors to take action.

Product Demos or Tutorials: If it makes sense for your product, include a video or interactive demo to show how it works. This can be super helpful in turning visitors into customers.

Limited Navigation: Keep things focused by minimizing extra navigation options that could distract visitors or lead them away from your landing page. The goal is to keep their attention on your product and CTA.

Related Products & Recommendations: If you’ve got other products that complement what you’re selling, show them off! Feature related products and personalized recommendations to encourage visitors to stick around and maybe buy more.

Include Upsell and Cross-Sell Opportunities: This is where you can boost revenue by offering customers higher-end versions of the product they’re viewing (upselling) or suggesting complementary products (cross-selling). Place these options at key decision points to maximize the chances of increasing the average order value.

SEO & Page Optimization 

Mobile Optimization: Ensure the landing page is responsive and loads quickly on all devices, particularly mobile, where a significant amount of web traffic originates​​.

Loading Speed: Optimize images and scripts to ensure the page loads quickly, aiming for under three seconds to keep user engagement high​ (reliablesoft.net)​.

Use Keywords: Incorporate keywords naturally into your copy to help the page rank better in search results.

User Experience (UX) Design: Consider user experience in your design by using legible fonts, sufficient white space, and a layout that leads the visitor naturally through the content towards the CTA

A/B Testing: Regularly test different elements of your landing page (like headlines, images, and CTAs) to optimize for conversions and find out what works best with your audience​ (Talent Connect)​.

Accessibility: Ensure that your landing page is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, by using proper contrast, alt text for images, and accessible forms​ (Elementor)​.

Metadata: Include a keyword-focused title with the name of your product (~65 characters or less) and a detailed description (~150 characters or less) 

Structured Data: Utilizing structured data on your product pages provides search engines with additional data about your products and company (IE: Reviews, Pricing, Availability) and this data is used to create special search features and enhancements that make your products more visible in search results! https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/structured-data/product 

Merchant Center: Google Merchant Center is a great way to promote your products with paid listings as well as free listings. You can submit individual products or submit a feed with details for all of your products – https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/7439058?hl=en 

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Tips

The main goal of your product landing page is to convert visitors into customers. To do this, try implementing the following tips:

Communicate the Value of Your Product: What problems does your product solve? Explain why people should choose your product over others.

Clear Call to Action: A convincing call to action tells the viewer what steps to take next (e.g. start a free trial, or make a purchase). Your call to action should stand out on your product landing page above everything else.

Build Trust Using Social Proof: Use reviews/testimonials, ratings, or company logos (if applicable) to establish credibility.

Personalize the Experience: Deliver a user experience that focuses on the visitor’s preferences and/or behavior. This can include personalized recommendations, offers, or even messages.

Use Eye-Catching Visuals: Add high-quality images or videos to showcase your product in action to increase user engagement.

Ad Tips

Using strategic ads is an effective method to help increase your product landing page’s visibility and convert visitors into customers. To effectively advertise your page:

Know Your Audience: What are the demographics, interests, behaviors, and pain points of your targeted audience? Knowing these will help you create convincing campaigns that resonate with your audience’s needs and preferences.

Use the Right Platforms: Use relevant advertising platforms to reach your audience. This can include platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, display advertising (on your website), email marketing, or influencer marketing.

Create a Compelling Ad: Create an attention-grabbing ad using high-quality images, persuasive copy, and a convincing call to action.

Test and Improve: You may have to tweak and refine your ad to achieve results. Try new approaches or experiment with different formats to improve the effectiveness of your ads.

Now, lets look at a few example pages! 

Rent The Runway 

In the world of e-commerce, many companies juggle thousands of product pages. Rent the Runway, a popular online dress rental platform, is among them, with a dedicated page for every item in their collection. Each page provides all the essentials—images, fabric details, price, and reviews—but what really sets them apart are the “Stylist Notes” and “Size & Fit” sections.

These sections don’t just list the fabric and measurements. They explain how the dress fits different body parts, suggest appropriate undergarments, and even recommend which body types suit it best. This level of detail not only boosts customer confidence but also creates a more enjoyable shopping experience.

What Makes Their Product Landing Page Great

This product landing page from Rent the Runway follows several best practices:


Shopify caters to freelancers and business entrepreneurs alike by giving customers the tools and resources to build an online or e-commerce business. Utilizing their service, customers can build an e-commerce website and start selling physical or digital products such as hand-crafted pottery or an online course.

What Makes Their Product Landing Page Great



Airbnb is a broker that helps homeowners rent out their place to travelers or guests looking for accommodations in a specific area. Individuals can search for vacation rentals, cabins, and various places to stay the night.

What Makes Their Product Landing Page Great

An Effective Product Landing Page Will Drive Conversion and Sales

We’ve covered best practices and tips as well as a few product page examples and why they’re successful. Building an effective product landing page is important for driving conversion and boosting sales. By implementing the best practices, you can create a product landing page that will not only attract potential customers but convince them to take action.

Have more questions? Let’s talk about how we can help you!

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